Sunday, October 5, 2014

Digital Badge F

Digital Badge F
Communicating & Collaborating with Social Media
I believe coming into the teaching world in the 21st century things are definitely changing and shifting quickly with the new age technology. Therefore we need to really understand the benefits of communicating and collaborating with social media in and outside the classroom.
To begin with, electronic communication between teachers and students is becoming more and more popular. Some examples of electronic communication are; email, text messaging, teacher and class websites, blogs, online discussions and wikis. I feel that being able to use these forms of communication really help to build and maintain the strong foundation between the teacher, the student and the family members that is needed to have the most smooth successful education.
Next, websites and Blogs for teachers and students are a great way to keep everyone on the same page. Parents can access class sites to see important dates and deadlines and even see their students published assignments or projects. Students and teachers can also interact outside of the classroom and exchange ideas and information through blogs.
Lastly, online discussion boards are an important tool as well. Using online discussion boards’ students can communicate their point of view and they also learn to appreciate the view of others. I feel it is so intriguing to be able to express your thoughts and not have to worry about the pressure of speaking out in class in front of everyone.  This way you can exchange ideas back and forth and even be able to civilly express opposing opinions without feeling bad for feeling differently.
All in all, I look forward to being able to take advantage of all the different ways of communicating and collaborating through social media. I feel that the opportunity to have lots of open and successful relationships with students and families alike.

Maloy, Robert, Verock-O’Loughlin,Ruth-Ellen, Edwards, Sharon A., and Woolf, Beverly Park (2013). Transforming Learning with New Technologies. 2nd Edition. Boston, MA: Pearson Education, Inc. 

1 comment:

  1. Student voice is extremely powerful and insightful (both to the student themselves and the student learning), but you are right that it isn't always heard in the typical face-to-face classroom. Online discussion forums provide the opportunity for all to be 'heard' without the (sometimes) impulsivity that occurs in 'face-to-face' situations. In addition, students who would be reticent to talk aloud in the classroom, can do so more freely in the online discussion. All seem to benefit from the time to allow for a more reflective response.

    You produced a great visual with the mindmapping tool - it definitely provided a place for organization of the chapters' concepts. And, hopefully, there is more meaning in not only the visual but of the process of creating it. :)
